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Famous for the rugged landscape and the blue skies that offers the endless opportunities, Azerbaijan is one such rare and beautiful place that you may not find anywhere. With exotic and unexplored locales, Azerbaijan will definitely make you feel like living up again. The country portrays a perfect blend of western and Eastern Europe and Asia because of which, you can see a diverse culture of people living cordially with one another. Be it the serene seaside or the ancient places, Azerbaijan does not run out of options when it comes to letting the travelers explore the beauty.

With contacts across Azerbaijan and most parts of the world, Tirumala Productions can provide a crew ready to film in every location of your choice. If you require the production crew, directors, assistants, technicians, then we can get them to your shoot location when you need them. If you prefer to cast locally but are worried about the language barrier, we can sort the issue and find the local talent for you.

Are you an ad agency, production company looking for film/photography production support or shooting crew in Azerbaijan? Your wait ends here. We, at Tirumala Productions, have fully vetted, locally based fixers, directors, service producers, Videographers, DP’s, Photographers, Cameramen, Sound operators, Production drivers, and a range of other film crew. Feel free to contact us for referrals, questions, cost estimates, and references.

With a diversity of filming locations, Azerbaijan offers the most exotic and unexplored locations in close proximity to each other including ancient cities, mountain towns, white sand beaches, forests, rivers, waterfalls, and lush green valleys.

Frequently Asked Questions ?

How easy is it to get permits?

Getting visa approval is not easy and the process can take up to a month. But, no need to worry as there are alternatives and ways to expedite this. Please contact us for more information

Do I need a visa or work permit?

Azerbaijan requires work permits for film and photography crews. This entails first arriving on a regular visa and then having a local company apply to hire you.

What is the climate like?

The climate of Azerbaijan can be described as continental influenced climate with warm summer and very cold, dry winters. It can be divided into three different climate zones; one north of the mountainous regions, one south of them, and along the coast of the Caspian Sea.

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